“Don’t worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need &
thank Him for all He has done.”
-Philippians 4:6

If there is anything that you would like us to pray for
please send us a note with a description of how we can pray.
We believe in a God who hears us when we pray,
and we would be honored to join with you in prayer.

Week of Prayer & Fasting 2025 Prayer Guide

January 6th - 10th

    • Monday: Prayer on Zoom 7-8PM

    • Tuesday: Prayer on Zoom 12-1PM

    • Wednesday: Prayer on Zoom 7-8PM

    • Thursday: Prayer on Zoom 12-1PM

    • Friday: Prayer in person at the church office 7-8PM

    • Zoom links will be sent out each day on Basecamp.

  • Today’s Scripture: Romans 5:1

    - Spend the first 10 minutes of prayer meditating on today’s Scripture.

    - Confess and repent from any sin. Receive Christ’s forgiveness

    - Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there are any areas you need to trust God with. Surrender those to Him.

    - Ask the Holy Spirit if there is anything He is asking you to do. Ask for strength

    to do His will and walk in obedience.

    - Ask the Holy Spirit to examine your heart and reveal any thing/person/desire

    that you treasure more than Jesus. Respond in repentance and worship.

    - Spend the last ten minutes in silence, listening to the Holy Spirit. Feel free

    to journal what you feel like He is speaking to you.

  • Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 26:4

    - Spend the first 10 minutes of prayer meditating on today’s Scripture.

    - Pray that you would honor God with your body. (ie. What you put in your body.

    How you use your body. How you treat your body. etc.)

    - Pray that you would honor God in your mind. (ie. What thoughts you dwell on. How you think about yourself and others. What you let enter your mind through entertainment, conversation, etc.)

    - Pray that God would help you understand what it means to be made in His image.

    - Pray that you would live in Christ’s freedom and for His purpose. Surrender any guilt, shame, regret, pain, fear, or worry and ask Him to bring healing to those areas of your life.

    - Spend the last ten minutes in silence, listening to the Holy Spirit. Feel free

    to journal what you feel like He is speaking to you.

  • Today’s Scripture: Romans 12:18

    - Spend the first 10 minutes of prayer meditating on today’s Scripture.

    - Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal people in your life who you do not live in peace with. These could be people in your past or your present. Write down their names.

    - Pray for the people you wrote down. Pray God’s love and grace would be upon them. Pray healing over them in any areas of their lives that may be broken. (This step may be difficult if you do not live in peace with these people, but it will begin to soften your heart towards them. Remember they are loved by God, just as you are.)

    - Pray that Christ would grow in you: grace, mercy, generosity, patience, and kindness.

    - Pray that God would use you as a witness to those around you; that you would be bold and loving as you share your faith. Pray that He would give you specific opportunities to do so.

    - Spend the last ten minutes in silence, listening to the Holy Spirit. Feel free

    to journal what you feel like He is speaking to you.

  • Today’s Scripture: John 14:27

    - Spend the first 10 minutes of prayer meditating on today’s Scripture.

    - Pray for peace in our government, war torn nations, and within the persecuted church.

    - Pray for unreached people groups (people who have never heard the gospel).

    Pray for God to raise up missionaries to share the gospel with them, that they

    too may experience the perfect peace Christ gives.

    - Spend the last ten minutes in silence, listening to the Holy Spirit. Feel free

    to journal what you feel like He is speaking to you.

  • Tonight, we will be meeting at the church offices from 7-8PM for a prayer meeting. If you cannot attend in person, find one person today who you can pray with in person. This could be someone in your immediate family, a coworker, a neighbor, etc. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to someone who needs prayer.

  • We encourage you to fast with us this week as we pray. Fasting grows us in humility and establishes what is truly important (eternal over temporal). Many times, people fast for wisdom or preparation for what’s ahead. Matthew 4:4 states: “We do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

    Some examples of different types of fasts include fasting a meal a day, fasting a certain food for the entire week, fasting for a day or more out of the week, or fasting all food for the entire week. Spend some time in prayer asking God what kind of fast He is prompting you to do and commit to it before the week starts.

    As we start 2025, our desire is to join in unity and humility, surrendering ourselves to Christ, and seeking His will and His ways.