Why Lifetree?
Our name comes from a Bible verse.
In Psalm 1, King David of Israel wrote that people
who know God personally are like TREES,
planted by streams of water, bearing FRUIT each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.
We see a community filled with people who are vibrant and
growing because of a relationship ROOTED in faith in a God who loves us.
Why Community?
One of our Core Values is "We are better together."
Because we believe that, we make four commitments to each other:
We believe the best in you.
We won't give up on you.
We will give you what we have.
We will go with you.
These commitments shape all of our relationships
and are what make a Church so special.
Why Church?
A Church is not a building, an event, or a name.
A Church is people. We are the Church.
We are not a Church on our own
but actually become a Church when we gather together.
And when we gather, something WONDERFUL happens...
God shows up in life-changing ways.
We don't HAVE TO GO to Church. We GET TO BE the Church.