We meet weekly at the Robbinsville Seventh-day Adventist Church at 9:30 AM.

What time does service start?

  • Services start at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings. You are more than welcome to come early, drink some coffee, and talk with others before service.

Where are your weekly services located?

Can I bring my kids with me?

  • Yes! Your children can stay with you during the service, or after worship, they can go to Treehouse Kids, our kids program for students ages Preschool - 5th grade.

Can I view the service online?

  • We record each of our messages and post them online on Monday mornings. You can view them here: Messages

How do I give at service?

  • We will receive an offering. Baskets will be at the back of the sanctuary, so you can drop it off on your way in. You can also continue to give online at wearelifetree.com/give.